Welcome BRE Bobcat Families! 



Login or Register to access your personal account, sign-up for events or purchase tickets.

Please scroll down for information on upcoming events or click through the tabs above for specific information!  


New families may create accounts, join PTO, and donate beginning August 1st. (Please note, the PTO site is completely separate from school registration.) 

Returning families will be prompted to update family contact information and directory publish preferences. When these are complete you see two green check marks next to Family Information and Directory & Publish Preferences on the My Forms/Paperwork page found under the My Account tab. Once you have created your account or updated your information for the year you will be able to see the options for joining and/or donating to the PTO, purchasing yearbooks, etc. 


All PTO information and transactions take place here on our website! 



Helpful tip: if you're unsure what you've ordered already, you can view previous purchases anytime by going to 'My Account' and clicking 'Previous Orders'. 




BRE PTO Sponsors

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Reach out anytime!





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 Become a sponsor!