2024-2025 Take Stock in BRE

Take Stock in Blue River

We aim to make Take Stock our easiest fundraiser this year. The more money we raise through Take Stock, the less need we will have for additional fundraisers. Please support our school with your donation to the PTO, and help us achieve our goals of supporting students and faculty.


Please find a reason to donate below.


I will donate $25... because fundraising doesn't fit in our schedule.

I will donate $ 50... because I do not want to hit up friends, family and coworkers, so here is the money I would have spent buying coupon books, wrapping paper, cookie dough or trash bags.


I will donate $ 75... because I do not want to walk, swim, or run in any activity that has the word “thon” in it. Here is the money I would have spent on the “free” t-shirt.


I will donate $ 100... because I do not have good luck winning auction and raffle items so here is the money I would have tried to spend on front row seats.


I will donate $ 125... because well, I really wouldn’t have participated in fundraisers anyway, so here is some money to forget my name.


I will donate $ 150... because I know the Blue River PTO makes a wonderful impact on my children’s elementary years with events and classroom support.


I am making this donation to express my appreciation for having nothing to buy, sell or do except go online and make a quick tax deductible donation to support my child’s education.


Every year, the PTO provides for: student planners, guest speakers/authors, student software licenses, teachers' classroom materials, Scholastic magazine, tutoring, Kindergarten jump start, teacher appreciation meals, family events, and much, much more!


Take Stock donations are 100% tax deductible.

 Take Stock Donation

 Take Stock Donation of Your Choosing$


Take Stock in Blue River to support YOUR school!

We suggest $75 per student yearly or $150 per family yearly. Any amount is appreciated and spent responsibly.